Trying to establish bridge between LibreOffice/ Visual Studi

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Trying to establish bridge between LibreOffice/ Visual Studi

Post by Kouen »

Hello!, This is my second post :D , I am trying to make some kind of bridge between Visual Studio (Visual Basic Programming) and LibreOffice, and i dont know what is wrong about my procedure but it gives me an exception in the Bootstrap() command
the steps i Followed are:
1) installed Libreoffice 6.3.6 x86
2) Installed Libreoffice SDK 6.3.6
3) Installed Mingw Msys Cygwin apps (sed, Make, zip)
4) installed Visual Studio 2019
5) ran setenvironment located in main sdk folder
6) set Basic System Variables , Like UNO_PATH, and so on according to the developers guide
7) created a solution for console app visual basic in visual studio 2019
8) load the VB.NET example in SDK folder Writerdemo.vb
9) set the custom compiler option to VBASupport="1"
10) set the working framework to .NET framework 3.1
11) set the arhitecture to x86
12) ran soffice
13) clean build and rebuild from VS 2019
14) run debug

and it throws me an exception
Message=Handle is not initialized.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException_HandleIsNotInitialized()
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.FromIntPtr(IntPtr value)
at uno.util.to_cli<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext>(Reference<com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext>* x)
at uno.util.Bootstrap.bootstrap()
at TestingLO.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\Hubble\source\repos\TLO\TestingLO\Program.vb:line 47

I am a Newbie developing on top of libreoffice, and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.!
LibreOfFice 6.3.6 on Windows 10
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Re: Trying to establish bridge between LibreOffice/ Visual S

Post by JeJe »

You likely won't have got an answer to your other thread because no-one here knows. I don't have a clue what you're doing but there's a similar sounding problem here that got answered - so that might be a better place to ask: ... office-sdk
Windows 10, Openoffice 4.1.11, LibreOffice (x64)
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat May 02, 2020 7:29 pm

Re: Trying to establish bridge between LibreOffice/ Visual S

Post by Kouen »

JeJe wrote:You likely won't have got an answer to your other thread because no-one here knows. I don't have a clue what you're doing but there's a similar sounding problem here that got answered - so that might be a better place to ask: ... office-sdk
Thanks a lot JeJe for your reply. I will read the answer in stackoverflow. Kind regards!

EDIT: I have followed the answer´s steps without luck.
LibreOfFice 6.3.6 on Windows 10
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