Loading document with hidden UI clears input-fields

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Loading document with hidden UI clears input-fields

Post by mgie »

I am doing some serverside processing of odt documents in Java.
Problem: When I load the file in "Hidden" mode all content of Input-Fields gets erased in the output.
So they're still there but empty. When I do the processing with the UI popping up this is not happening.

Code: Select all

Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>();
props.put("Hidden", true); //this causes input fields to be wiped
loader.loadComponentFromURL("file://...", "_blank", 0, props);
any idea why that happens?

best regards,


edit: it seems that not all Inputfields get cleared. I still dont see the difference between those that are and those that arent
OpenOffice 4.0.1 on Windows 7
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