il file che crea la macro è in formato "ods" .
La procedura che utilizzo per importare automaticamente i dati creati non lo riconosce, perchè legge solo file excel.
Per poterci lavorare devo aprire i file creati e salvarli in formato Xls, siccome i file sono diversi, c'è un modo per salvare direttamente in formato xls direttamente dalla macro ??
grazie a chi mi può aiutare
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Sub SaveSheet1' only one ' only one nome file diverso da nome foglio
Dim arg(0) as new
dim args1(2) as new
cFolder = "F:\Download\"
oSheets = oDoc.Sheets()
aSheetNames = oSheets.getElementNames()
Dim removeList(oSheets.getCount()) as String
index=2 ' >>>> change index to save sheet >>>>>
SheetName = aSheetNames(index)
oSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(index)
dispatcher = createUnoService("")
cNewFileName= SheetName & oSheet.getCellRangeByName("b2").string
cNewFileName = Replace(cNewFileName, " ", "_") ' Replace spaces with underscores
oController = oDoc.GetCurrentController() 'view controller
oController.SetActiveSheet(oSheet) 'switches view to sheet object
document = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
newDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/scalc" ,"_blank", 0, Arg() )
newDoc.StoreAsURL(ConvertToUrl(cFolder + cNewFileName + ".ods" ), arg() )
args1(0).Name = "DocName"
args1(0).Value = cNewFileName
args1(1).Name = "Index"
args1(1).Value = 1
args1(2).Name = "Copy"
args1(2).Value = true
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Move", "", 0, args1())
for s = 0 to newDoc.Sheets.Count - 1
sheet = newDoc.Sheets(s)
if sheet.Name <> SheetName then
removeList(s) = sheet.Name
removeList(s) = ""
end if
next s
'Remove all sheets apart from the active one
for s = 0 to ubound(removeList)
if removeList(s) <> "" then
newDoc.Sheets.removeByName( removeList(s))
end if
next s
End Sub