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Grid Wizard unable to add/edit and delete records

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:27 am
by omel
I am a beginner in Open 3.
Usually i just maintain the program that develop by another Programmer.
Now i need to create a simple program which is from that grid i can Add new/edit and delete records.

I success to create a grid table by using Wizard but the problem is i cannot Add new/edit and delete records ( can display only).

In the Setting Form, i already set all the function to yes.
Please help me.


Re: Grid Wizard unable to add/edit and delete records

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:21 am
by UnklDonald418
Your question doesn't make it clear which OpenOffice module you are using.
You question is posted in the Draw forum, which is the vector graphics module of OpenOffice and probably not a good choice for entering/editing data on a grid.
What module are you using?
At the very top in the left corner, the name of the document appears followed by OpenOffice and finally the module you are using.