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[Solved] Sorting via macro in Calc
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:42 pm
by martius
How can I sort in Calc, at same time, four fields (columns) via macro. I need to sort, via macro, four columns, and they need to be coordenated.
It's easy via interface, but I need via macro.
I tried this macro, but it works just to three fiels.
Code: Select all
Sub ordenaDados(oDoc As object, oPlan As Object, Ci%, Li%, OrdemCol1, OrdemCol2, OrdemCol3, OrdemCol4)
Dim Despachante As Object, Controle As Object
Despachante = createUnoService("")
Controle = oDoc.CurrentController
Controle.Select( oPlan.GetCellByPosition(Ci,Li) )
Dim args(13) As New
args(0).Name = "ByRows"
args(0).Value = True
args(1).Name = "HasHeader"
args(1).Value = False
args(2).Name = "CaseSensitive"
args(2).Value = False
args(3).Name = "NaturalSort"
args(3).Value = False
args(4).Name = "IncludeAttribs"
args(4).Value = True
args(5).Name = "UserDefIndex"
args(5).Value = 0
args(6).Name = "Col1"
args(6).Value = OrdemCol1
args(7).Name = "Ascending1"
args(7).Value = True
args(8).Name = "Col2"
args(8).Value = OrdemCol2
args(9).Name = "Ascending2"
args(9).Value = True
args(10).Name = "Col3"
args(10).Value = OrdemCol3
args(11).Name = "Ascending3"
args(11).Value = True
args(12).Name = "Col4"
args(12).Value = OrdemCol4
args(13).Name = "Ascending4"
args(13).Value = True
Despachante.executeDispatch(Controle, ".uno:DataSort", "", 0, args())
End Sub
Re: Sorting via macro in Calc
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:04 pm
One way to sort on four columns is to first sort on the one that would be the last in the sequence and then sort on the other three.
Code: Select all
oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1")
oCellrange = oSheet.getCellrangeByName("B1:E17")
'Want to sort the columns in the order B, D, E, C
'Do the first sort on the column that would be the fourth one to be sorted
Dim aSortFields(0) as New
aSortFields(0).Field = 1 'index = 1 of the CellRange = column C
aSortFields(0).IsAscending = "True"
SortDesc = oCellrange.createSortDescriptor
'A SortDescriptor is an array of 9 propertyvalues: 0 = IsSortColumns, 1 = ContainsHeader,
'2 = MaxFieldCount (set to 3), 3 = SortFields, 4 = BindFormatToContent, 5 = CopyOutputData,
'6 = OutputPosition, 7 = IsUserListEnabled, 8 = UserListIndex
SortDesc(1).Value = TRUE 'ContainsHeader
SortDesc(3).Value = aSortFields() 'SortFields
'Sort the remaining three columns in the order B, D, E
Dim aSortFields2(2) as New
aSortFields2(0).Field = 0 'index = 0 of the CellRange = column B
aSortFields2(0).IsAscending = "True"
aSortFields2(1).Field = 2 'index = 2 of the CellRange = column D
aSortFields2(1).IsAscending = "True"
aSortFields2(2).Field = 3 'index = 3 of the CellRange = columna E
aSortFields2(2).IsAscending = "True"
SortDesc(3).Value = aSortFields2() 'SortFields
After running the macro in the attached file, you can do Edit -> Undo twice to get back to the original order of the items.
Re: [Solved] Sorting via macro in Calc
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:11 am
by martius
I tried the idea of FJCC (sorting first the last column and then the other three), and it works great.
Thanks a lot!
Re: [Solved] Sorting via macro in Calc
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:16 pm
by KaduLeite
I did a little alteration in the code to sort any number of columns.
Code: Select all
Sub SortCols()
Dim sSheetName as String, sRange as String
Dim Order as Variant, isAscendent as Variant
Dim oSheet, oCellRange, i as Integer
Dim aSortFields(0) as New, SortDesc
sSheetName = "Sheet1" 'set the sheet name
sRange = "B1:E17" 'set the range to sort
'For setting the order to sort, first column is 1,
'so if the order is B, D, E, C the array should be 1,3,4,2
'If there's a column in the range you don't use to sort, ignore it
'For exemple: sRange = "A1:F17" and Order = Array(2,4,5,3)
Order = Array(1,3,4,2) 'set the order for sorting: B(1), D(3), E(4), C(2)
isAscendent = Array(True,True,True,True) 'set True=1 or False=0 for each column to sort
oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(sSheetName)
oCellRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(sRange)
SortDesc = oCellRange.CreateSortDescriptor
SortDesc(1).Value = True 'ContainsHeader
For i = Ubound(Order) to 0 Step -1
aSortFields(0).Field = Order(i)-1 'index = 0 is first column
aSortFields(0).IsAscending = isAscendent(i)
SortDesc(3).Value = aSortFields()
End Sub
I hope it helps,
Kadu Leite
Re: [Solved] Sorting via macro in Calc
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:17 pm
by Myosotis
First, thanks for posting this.
I understand that the columns begin at 0, so you define them like this :
Order = Array(1,3,4,2) 'set the order for sorting: B(1), D(3), E(4), C(2)
But why do you substract 1 again in the loop ?
aSortFields(0).Field = Order(i)-1 'index = 0 is first column
Did you test your code ? This sorts nothing for me (and I only try to sort one column).
Re: [Solved] Sorting via macro in Calc
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 4:18 pm
by KaduLeite
Myosotis wrote:Hello,
First, thanks for posting this.
I understand that the columns begin at 0, so you define them like this :
Order = Array(1,3,4,2) 'set the order for sorting: B(1), D(3), E(4), C(2)
But why do you substract 1 again in the loop ?
aSortFields(0).Field = Order(i)-1 'index = 0 is first column
Did you test your code ? This sorts nothing for me (and I only try to sort one column).
Sorry for delay.
I just thought it's simplier to sort using the first column as 1, but you can change this.
So, in my code, if you use the range "A9:G87", to sort using the column C and after the column F you shoud set Order = Array(3,6).
The column number is based on the range, not its index. That's the reason I subtract one in the loop, because it uses the index of the range.
If you want to use 0 for the first column in range, just delete the "-1" and use 0 for the first column in Order variable.
My example in the code, using B(1), was terrible. Let me change it.
Code: Select all
Sub SortCols()
Dim sSheetName as String, sRange as String
Dim Order as Variant, isAscendent as Variant
Dim oSheet, oCellRange, i as Integer
Dim aSortFields(0) as New, SortDesc
sSheetName = "Sheet1" 'set the sheet name
sRange = "G1:M17" 'set the range to sort
'For setting the order to sort, first column is 1,
'so if the order is G, J, M, K the array should be 1,4,7,5
'If there's a column in the range you don't use to sort, ignore it
'For exemple: sRange = "C1:J17" and Order = Array(2,4,5,3)
Order = Array(1,3,4,2) 'set the order for sorting: G(1), J(4), M(7), K(5)
isAscendent = Array(True,True,True,True) 'set True=1 or False=0 for each column to sort
oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(sSheetName)
oCellRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(sRange)
SortDesc = oCellRange.CreateSortDescriptor
SortDesc(1).Value = True 'ContainsHeader
For i = Ubound(Order) to 0 Step -1
aSortFields(0).Field = Order(i)-1 'index = 0 is first column
aSortFields(0).IsAscending = isAscendent(i)
SortDesc(3).Value = aSortFields()
End Sub
Kadu Leite
Re: [Solved] Sorting via macro in Calc
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 4:41 pm
by Myosotis
Indeed, the indices begin at 0, I know that. But what I said is that you substracted 1 twice : Order = Array(1,3,4,2) so 'B' is already 1. 'A' would be 0 and would become -1 with your code. That's why I asked if you had tested that code. And also because I couldn't make it work, even after this correction.
Re: [Solved] Sorting via macro in Calc
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:02 pm
by KaduLeite
Myosotis wrote:Indeed, the indices begin at 0, I know that. But what I said is that you substracted 1 twice : Order = Array(1,3,4,2) so 'B' is already 1. 'A' would be 0 and would become -1 with your code. That's why I asked if you had tested that code. And also because I couldn't make it work, even after this correction.
Yes, I had tested the code and it is working well.
Try to understand that the code does not subtract twice. When you specify a range, doesn't matter what columns you use, the first in the range in my code uses the number 1.
See the attached example:
There are two Subs executed by buttons to sort and unsort.
Good Luck,
Kadu Leite