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[Issue] Setting tick marks in a ruler

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:23 pm
by RascalRobot
OOo 2.3.1
Windows XP Sp2

Is there a way to set the number of ticks in the ruler ?

My question is directed to Draw, but could apply to all the OOo apps.
I have the ruler displaying inches, and the subdivisions are in 1/10th inch
increments ( 10 per inch ). I would like to display the ticks in 1/8th inch
increments ( 8 per inch ).

My grid is setup correctly, but when I glance up at the ruler to see what
the actual position on the page is, I would like the ruler to match my grid.

Re: Setting tick marks in a ruler

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:16 pm
by acknak
You can't change the ticks on the rulers, but you can change the ruler's origin.

Hmm, the origin of both the grid and the rulers seems to be the upper left page margin. If you have the grid and the rulers using compatible divisions, why don they line up? They do for me.

You may also want to look at the status bar: it will show you the current size and position of the selected object.

Re: Setting tick marks in a ruler

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:20 pm
by RascalRobot
The grid and ruler are NOT using compatible settings.

My grid is set to every half inch, with 3 "sub" divisions.
This gives me 1/8" snap points.

The ruler has tick marks every 1/10". So unless I can change the ruler
tick settings, I am forced to use grid settings that match the ruler
if I want the two to line up. In that case, I can't "snap" to an 1/8" grid.

Re: Setting tick marks in a ruler

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:12 pm
by gnuarm
I am seeing the exact opposite. My grid is a half inch with 10 divisions and the ruler is ticked off at 8 divisions to the half inch. ???

It makes no sense to have the ruller not follow the grid.

Re: Setting tick marks in a ruler

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 4:12 pm
by keme
Yep! The ruler subdivision is consistently silly. Centimeter subdivided to half and quarter, and inches decimally subdivided. Exactly the opposite of what the convention is everywhere else.

There is an issue reported for Writer, but the rulers are shared between the applications so I assume that a fix would also apply to Draw.
The issue is accepted as a defect, but not assigned any target "milestone". Importance set to "trivial". You may want to register and vote for it.

Last activity on this case before I made a comment (just now) was just above a year ago. Do not hold your breath in eager anticipation for this to be solved. You may face serious consequences.