[Solved] Format error discovered in … content.xml

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[Solved] Format error discovered in … content.xml

Post by julianrichards »

Hi there,

I'm getting an error message (screenshot attached) when I try to open the attached doc:
Read error
Format error discovered in sub-document content.xml at 2,4032(row,col).
I know this is a known issue (eg viewtopic.php?t=105747) and that there is a tutorial for fixing it (viewtopic.php?f=71&t=87180) and that I should update to LibreOffice (I will!). But the tutorial is a little beyond me (I've tried), so I wonder if there is a kind soul here who would have a go at fixing this doc for me. It's a couple of hours work bound up in there.

Thank you in advance,

I wish I'd known, CAREERS GUIDE - CASE STUDIES_JR1.odt
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Last edited by MrProgrammer on Wed Aug 21, 2024 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Tagged ✓ [Solved] -- MrProgrammer, forum moderator
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Re: Read error: Format error discovered in sub-document content.xml

Post by MrProgrammer »

Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I used [Tutorial] Delete duplicate attributes tool. The repaired document now opens for me. You can check it to see if anything has been lost.
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Mr. Programmer
AOO 4.1.7 Build 9800, MacOS 13.6.7, iMac Intel.   The locale for any menus or Calc formulas in my posts is English (USA).
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