[Solved] Remarks on "[Tutorial] Favorite Recorded Calc Macros"
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:52 pm
A few remarks (not listed in order of importance) on your tutorial Favorite Recorded Calc Macros:
macro CopyText, steps to be recorded «F2» → Edit → Select All → Edit → Copy → «Escape»
When I record these steps, the resulting macro contains two inactive lines (with the framework commands).
Using the Escape key is not recorded.
A few remarks (not listed in order of importance) on your tutorial Favorite Recorded Calc Macros:
"then" seems inappropriate.Recording macros is much simpler then writing them. (...)
PasteFormat appears twice, although PasteFormats was suggested earlier in the Tutorial.• The first three macros are used to copy only part of a cell or cell range: the format, the formula, or the value. When using Styles, PasteFormat copies the style from one cell to a range. When an entire column has been copied to the clipboard, PasteFormat also copies its column width to the target column. PasteValues converts formulas to values. To record PasteUnformatted you must first place some text on the clipboard, so first copy something from a text document or a web page, not from Calc. This macro is useful for triggering the Text Import dialog.
macro CopyText, steps to be recorded «F2» → Edit → Select All → Edit → Copy → «Escape»
When I record these steps, the resulting macro contains two inactive lines (with the framework commands).
Using the Escape key is not recorded.