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jdbcDriverOOo 1.3.0

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:41 pm
by psilocybe
Hi all,

I announce the availability of jdbcDriverOOo version 1.3.0.

This version includes 7 different JDBC drivers:
- HyperSQL or HsqlDB version 2.7.2
- SQLite JDBC Driver version
- MariaDB Connector/J version 3.3.3
- PostgreSQL JDBC Driver version 42.7.1
- H2 Database Engine version 2.2.224 (2023-09-17)
- Apache Derby version
- Jaybird version 5.0.4 JDBC driver for Firebird

This version finally covers all the features of the UNO API (, sdbcx and sdb).

For databases offering an embedded mode (HsqlDB, H2, SQLite, Derby) it is possible to create a database at connection with the correct options in the connection URL.
So if you have LibreOffice, Java 11 and the jdbcDriverOOo extension it will be very easy to connect to a database.
Good use.