I have searched through some of the database examples, but have yet to wrap my head around the logic of the relations between databases, so appreciate some support. Here is what I am trying to do:
For a non-profit organisation (German Kindergarden), I am trying to set up a membership management system. Here is what it needs to do:
- Record members: these are usually one or two parents
- Record children: the children in the kindergarden
- Provide general information about members and children via queries/reports
- Provide an overview over memberships: a membership is tied to a family, which can contain one or more members as well as one or more children. The membership shall then record things like the membership fee and if there is a bank account linked already as well as start and end date.
- Provide one form or forms for:
- - entering new members
- - entering new children
- - entering new memberships
- Members
- Children
- Memberships
My idea is to use the "Membership" table to create a many-to-many relationship between children and members. The name of the membership should be equal to the family name of the child. (am I missing a relationship here? probably...)
However, I have a hard time creating the databases. See below for what I have so far:
Now my questions:
- Am I on the right track with the general setup?
- Regarding forms: members and children are already populated, memberships not (yet). Does it make sense to have separate forms for the three databases? Because unless we have orphans, entering children w/o members makes no sense and vice versa. So would it be better to have one form for entering into all the databases?
- How would I go about creating such a form? I do know some sql, so happy to play with queries in the form wizard.
Sorry if this is really basic stuff, but would appreciate some help to point me in the right direction.
Cheers, mor3dr3ad