[Calc] Pass array values to/from a Basic function

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[Calc] Pass array values to/from a Basic function

Post by MrProgrammer »

This example shows how to receive cell ranges from Calc in a Basic function and how to return an array of values to Calc. Declare the function parameters as Variant. A Calc range is always passed as a 2-dimensional array, even it it consists of a single row or column. The array will have lower bound 1 in both dimensions, not 0 as is more typical of StarBasic programs.
(36.05 KiB) Downloaded 212 times

Function P2C determines the coefficients of the polynomial which contains N given points. The polynomial is degree N-1. The attached P2C.ods document contains the source for the function and an example of how it is used to find the polynomial Y = 2X⁴ – 6X³ – 8.5X² + 37.5X – 25 through the five points (-0.5,-45) (0,-25) (0.5,-9) (3,11) (3.5,45). The source for the function is also shown below. In the attachment, cells D2:D6 contain the array formula =P2C(A2:A6;B2:B6). Cells A2:A6 have the five X coordinates of the points and B2:B6 have the Y coordinates.
P2C chart.gif
P2C chart.gif (40.06 KiB) Viewed 3607 times

If you want to execute the P2C function in the attachment, you must ensure that option you have set for OpenOffice → Security → Macro Security allows the function in the attachment to run. Press the Help button the the dialog for more information. Options are set with OpenOffice → Preferences on a Mac, Tools → Options on other platforms. You will probably want to copy the the Basic statements to My Macros so you can use the function in any spreadsheet.
Getting started with macros
P2C function location.png
P2C function location.png (107.62 KiB) Viewed 3607 times

Rem Purpose: Determine coefficients of polynomial passing through N points
Rem Syntax:  P2C(Xvalues,Yvalues)
Rem             Xvalues: Range providing X values of the N points
Rem             Yvalues: Range providing Y values of the N points
Rem          Number of Y values must be equal to number of X values
Rem          X values and Y values must be ranges of shape N by 1 or shape 1 by N
Rem          All X values must be distinct
Rem Returns: Array of coefficients in ascending order of exponent, constant first
Rem          Shape of returned array matches the shape of the Y values
Rem Sample:  P2C({-1;1;2};{17;7;11}) is {9;-5;3}
Rem Source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divided_differences
Rem Method:  For an polynomial of degree i, the coefficient of highest term Xⁱ will be given
Rem          by [Y₀,Y₁,…,Yᵢ].  Call this value Qᵢ.  Consider the reduced polynomial formed
Rem          by dropping the highest term Qᵢ•Xⁱ.  Now the highest term is a multiple of Xⁱ⁻¹.
Rem          For each of the given points (xᵢ,yᵢ), calculate a new point on the reduced
Rem          polynomial as (xᵢ,yᵢ-Qᵢ•xᵢ).  One of the points is redundant.  This program drops
Rem          the last of them.  The process is repeated with the reduced polynomial until a
Rem          single point (x₀,c) remains representing a polynomial of the form Y=c.  This gives
Rem          the constant term of the desired polynomial, the other Qᵢ being determined earlier.
Rem Example: The polynomial to be discovered is Y=3X²-5X+9 and we are given points (-1,17)
Rem          (1,7) (2,11).  x₀=-1 x₁=1 x₂=2, y₀=17 y₁=7 y₂=22.  Divided differences give the
Rem          highest (X²) coefficient.  [y₀,y₁] = (y₁-y₀)/(x₁-x₀) = -5, [y₁,y₂] = (y₂-y₁)/(x₂-x₁)
Rem          = 4, [y₀,y₁,y₂] = ([y₁,y₂]-[y₀,y₁])/(x₂-x₀) = 3, the coefficient for X².  3X²
Rem          subtracted from (-1,17) and (1,7) gives new points (-1,14) and (1,4), which will
Rem          be on a linear polynomial.  Divided differences on these points gives the next
Rem          (X¹) coefficient.   [y₀,y₁] = (y₁-y₀)/(x₁-x₀) = -5, the coefficient for X¹.
Rem          Subtracting -5X from (-1,14) gives point (-1,9) so the constant term (X⁰) is 9.
Rem          The polynomial coefficients for X⁰,X¹,X² are 9,-5,3.
Option Explicit                                                       ' Variables must be declared
Dim NX As Double, NY As Double                                        ' Sizes of X and Y arrays
Dim X0() As Double, Y0() As Double                                    ' 1-dimensional X and Y arrays
Dim DD() As Double                                                    ' Divided difference array
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer                          ' Loop counters
Const E00 = "Don't pass a rectangular range to function P2C"          ' Return error message

Sub GetValues(_In() As Variant,Out() As Double,Count As Double)       ' Create output array
Select Case 1                                                         ' Determine array dimension
   Case UBOUND(_In,1)                                                 ' 1 row, N columns
      Count = UBOUND(_In,2)                                           ' Size of 1-based array
      ReDim Out(Count-1) As Double                                    ' 1-dimension, 0 to Count-1
      For K=1 To Count : Out(K-1) = _In(1,K) : Next K                 ' Copy values, offset 0
   Case UBOUND(_In,2)                                                 ' N rows, 1 column
      Count = UBOUND(_In,1)                                           ' Size of 1-based array
      ReDim Out(Count-1) As Double                                    ' 1-dimension, 0 to Count-1
      For K=1 To Count : Out(K-1) = _In(K,1) : Next K                 ' Copy value, offset 0
   Case Else                                                          ' M rows, N columns
      Count = 0                                                       ' Indicate error
End Select                                                            ' End Select statement
End Sub                                                               ' End GetValues

Function P2C(X1 As Variant,Y1 As Variant) As Variant                  ' Called with X and Y values
Call GetValues(X1,X0,NX)                                              ' X0 is 0-based array
If NX=0 Then P2C = E00 : Exit Function                                ' Range was passed if NX is 0
Call GetValues(Y1,Y0,NY)                                              ' Y0 is 0-based array
If NY=0 Then P2C = E00 : Exit Function                                ' Range was passed if NY is 0
If NX<>NY Then                                                        ' Sizes don't agree
   P2C = NX & " X values and " & NY & " Y values for function P2C"    ' Return error message
   Exit Function                                                      ' Leave immediately
End If                                                                ' End of agreement test
ReDim DD(NX-1,NX-1) As Double                                         ' Divided differences (DD)
For I=NX-1 To 0 Step -1                                               ' Loop for each polynomial
   For K=0 To I : DD(0,K) = Y0(K) : Next K                            ' DD level zero is Y value
   For J=1 To I                                                       ' Loop for remaining levels
      For K=0 To I-J                                                  ' Loop for DD item
         DD(J,K) = (DD(J-1,K+1)-DD(J-1,K))/(X0(K+J)-X0(K))            ' Divided difference
      Next K                                                          ' End item loop
   Next J                                                             ' End level loop
   Y0(I) = DD(I,0)                                                    ' Save coefficient
   For J=0 To I-1 : Y0(J) = Y0(J)-Y0(I)*X0(J)^I : Next J              ' Points on reduced polynomial
Next I                                                                ' End polynomial loop
If UBOUND(Y1,1)=1 Then                                                ' Was Y array horizontal?
   For K=1 To UBOUND(Y1,2) : Y1(1,K) = Y0(K-1) : Next K               ' 1 row, N columns
Else                                                                  ' No, Y array was vertical
   For K=1 To UBOUND(Y1,1) : Y1(K,1) = Y0(K-1) : Next K               ' N rows, 1 column
End If                                                                ' End direction test
P2C = Y1                                                              ' Return the coefficients
End Function                                                          ' End P2C

OpenOffice.org Macros Explained, page 514
Passing arguments to a macro

This topic is intended to illustrate how to pass values to and from a Basic function. For curve fitting with more than a few points, more useful results are typically obtained with Spline interpolation than with polynomial interpolation.
Mr. Programmer
AOO 4.1.7 Build 9800, MacOS 13.6.3, iMac Intel.   The locale for any menus or Calc formulas in my posts is English (USA).