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[Solved] SAXException: Opening and ending tag mismatch

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 5:09 am
by cerdocyon
Hi Everyone

I hope someone can help me. I tried following the steps of other related topics with no success.

I am encountering the following error while opening a very important work file:

SAXException: [word/document.xml lineAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: Opening and ending tag mismatch: sdtContent line 2 and del ./sax/source/fastparser/fastparser.cxx:619', Stream 'word/document.xml', Line 2, Column 108675 ./writerfilter/source/filter/WriterFilter.cxx:213(row,col).

If I proceed trying to import the data I lose most of my work

File link is ... 7oftuzmr4y

Re: SAXException: [word/document.xml lineAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: Opening and ending tag mismatch

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:10 am
I have a version with 31 pages. If you send me a private message with your email address, I will send you the document. The version you posted had many xml errors. Please check the content very carefully. The complexity of the document might be more than OpenOffice can handle comfortably.

Re: SAXException: [word/document.xml lineAXException: [word/document.xml line 2]: Opening and ending tag mismatch

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:25 am
I should mention that I opened the document in Word after fixing the xml structure. I do not know how it will look in OpenOffice.

Re: SAXException: Opening and ending tag mismatch

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:42 am
by cerdocyon
Thank you so much! I've sent you a private message

Re: SAXException: Opening and ending tag mismatch

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:24 am
by John_Ha
All the SAX exception errors I have seen have been created by a now obsolete version of LibreOffice. The bug has been fixed in later releases.

I recommend you tell the creator of the .docx file to upgrade to the latest version of LO.