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Generating QR code using dynamically

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 1:40 pm
by MikeKot
Hello everyone! I have a web app. This app among other things generates documents (doc, pdf, odt etc) using patterns files(for example xlsx, odt) and soffice.
In XLSX pattern i'm able to generate QR code using expression <sh:barcode format="QR_CODE" data="some expression processed by java which returns url string"/>.
That is I pass some text string to my java method, which returns url that goes to "data" attribute of mentioned tag, and as a result I'm receiving QR code in generated document.
Hovewer I can't do the same with ODT file pattern. I've read some topics on this forum and found QRCode generator extension which i installed, but so far I'm only been able to generate QR manually (that is using insert -> QR code JS...). Can I use said extension in some expression? That is just put some expression somewhere in ODT pattern file and pass string to it to generate QR?

Thanks in advance