AWT Dialog-clone

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AWT Dialog-clone

Post by JeJe »

'The OOBasic IDE doesn't implement dialog resizing.
'One solution is to create a AWT dialog which does resize
'and make it the parent of an IDE dialog, as here with contributions by various authors:


'this code leans heavily on that code but uses a different approach
'It loads an IDE dialog, creates an AWT dialog of matching size and title
' and duplicates all the IDE dialog controls.

'This is very skeletal/unfinished/work in progress, see note below

'Create an IDE dialog with some controls on (include a command button)
'Run test with your dialog path

The point being that it can be far easier to design a dialog with the IDE.

Code: Select all

	'The OOBasic IDE doesn't implement dialog resizing.
	'One solution is to create a AWT dialog which does resize
	'and make it the parent of an IDE dialog, as here with contributions by various authors:
	'this code leans heavily on that code but uses a different approach
	'It loads an IDE dialog, creates an AWT dialog of matching size and title
	' and duplicates all the IDE dialog controls.

	'Create an IDE dialog with some controls on  (include a command button)
	'Run test with your dialog path

	'This is very skeletal/unfinished/work in progress
	'Controls have a lot of properties which haven't been copied over fully
	'lots of listeners could be added - only one for command button execute has been
	'this is for you to develop as required

	'controls which haven't been included below will just be ignored

	'AWT controls have a hyperlink
	'for one of those use a label in your IDE dialog and set the tag to URL=YOUR_URL

	'the AWT scrollbar control doesn't redraw properly for me - so an issue there. There
	'will no doubt be others

	'a non-breaking space chr(&HA0)) is appended to the title of a modal dialog
	'to identify it as modal when the dialog title close button is clicked
	'otherwise it will be treated as a non-modal dialog

'added borders, font descriptors, and combobox dropdown (these are set when window is created)
'separate out creation of dialog from setting controls
'and allow choice of attributes for new dialog window
'Sorting is an option for listboxes = add the word SORT to the IDE listbox tag

	'test code to be customised
sub test()

	dim Windowlistnr as object 'need to declare but can remain null
	dim	WA
	wa =
	dlg = loaddialog("Standard","Dialog1") 'load IDE dialog, replace with your dialog location
	DlgWindowServiceName =modelessdialog
	'show "modelessdialog" or "modaldialog"
	odialog =CreateBaseDialog2("modelessdialog", WA.CLOSEABLE OR WA.MOVEABLE OR WA.SIZEABLE OR WA.BORDER)
	Buttonlistnr = CreateUnoListener("TestButtonExecute_", "") 'create a button listener
	Windowlistnr = CreateUnoListener("TestWindowListener_", "") 'create a button listener

	AWTDialogClone (dlg,odialog,DlgWindowServiceName,Windowlistnr,Buttonlistnr) 'clone controls from IDE dialog to AWT one

end sub

sub TestButtonExecute_actionPerformed(ev) 'button listener
	msgbox ev.actioncommand 'gives button name
end sub

sub TestButtonExecute_disposing(ev)
end sub

Sub TestWindowListener_windowResized(ev)
	Dim aSize as Variant
	aSize = ev.Source.getSize()
	'resize controls here
End Sub
Sub TestWindowListener_windowMoved(ev)
End Sub
Sub TestWindowListener_windowShown(ev)
End Sub
Sub TestWindowListener_windowHidden(ev)
End Sub
Sub TestWindowListener_disposing(ev)
End Sub

'*********************dialog code

Sub AWTDialogClone(dlg, odialog,DlgWindowServiceName,Windowlistnr,Buttonlistnr)

	aRect = CreateUnoStruct("")

	ps = dlg.getpossize

	oParent = ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getFrame().getContainerWindow()
	oToolkit = oParent.getToolkit()

	'	odialog =CreateBaseDialog2("tabdialog")
	if isnull(Windowlistnr)=false then
	end if

	if DlgWindowServiceName= "modaldialog" then
		oDialog.setTitle(dlg.model.title & chr(&HA0))
	end if

	with ps
		odialog.setpossize .x,.y,.width,.height,15
	end with

	for i = 0 to ubound(dlg.controls)
		with dlg.controls(i)

			select case .getimplementationname
			case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoFileControl"
				WindowServiceName = "filecontrol"
			case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoProgressBarControl"
				WindowServiceName = "progressbar"
			case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoEditControl"
				if .model.border then windowAttributes =windowAttributes or 16

				if.model.multiline then
				WindowServiceName = "multilineedit"
				if .model.vscroll then  windowAttributes=windowAttributes or 512
				if .model.hscroll then  windowAttributes=windowAttributes or 256

				WindowServiceName = "edit"
			end if
		case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoButtonControl"
			WindowServiceName ="pushbutton"
		case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoListBoxControl"
			WindowServiceName ="listbox"
			if .model.border then windowAttributes =windowAttributes or 16
			if instr(1, .model.tag, "SORT") THEN windowAttributes =16384  'sort flag
		case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoFixedTextControl"
			if .model.border then windowAttributes =windowAttributes or 16

			if left(.model.tag,4) = "URL=" then
				WindowServiceName ="fixedhyperlink"
				WindowServiceName ="fixedtext"
			end if
		case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoTreeControl"
			WindowServiceName ="tree"
		case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoScrollBarControl"
			WindowServiceName ="scrollbar"
			if .model.border then windowAttributes =windowAttributes or 16

		case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoComboBoxControl"
			WindowServiceName ="combobox"
			if .model.dropdown then windowAttributes = 32768
		case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoCheckBoxControl"
			if .model.tristate then
				WindowServiceName ="tristatebox"
				WindowServiceName ="checkbox"
			end if

		case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoRadioButtonControl"
			WindowServiceName ="radiobutton"
		case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoFixedLineControl"
			WindowServiceName= "fixedline"

		case "stardiv.Toolkit.UnoGroupBoxControl"
			WindowServiceName= "groupbox"
		case else
			'				vc =thiscomponent.currentcontroller.viewcursor
			'				vc.string =.getimplementationname
			'				vc.collapsetoend
			goto hr
		end select

		ps = .getpossize
		with arect
			.x = ps.x
			.y = ps.y
			.width = ps.width
			.height = ps.height
		end with

		c=	createControlJe(oToolkit,odialog,WindowServiceName,arect,windowAttributes)


		select case WindowServiceName

		case "pushbutton"
			c.setactioncommand (
			c.label = .model.label
			setfd =true

		case "multilineedit"
			c.text = .model.text
			setfd =true

		case "edit"
			c.text = .model.text
			setfd =true
		case "listbox"
			c.additems .model.StringItemList ,0
			setfd =true

		case "tristatebox"
			c.label =.model.label
			setfd =true

		case "checkbox"
			c.label =.model.label
			setfd =true

		case "combobox"
			setfd =true
			c.text = .model.text

			c.additems .model.StringItemList ,0

			c.setDropDownLineCount .model.linecount

		case "fixedhyperlink"
			c.seturl right(.model.tag,len(.model.tag) -4)
			c.settext  .model.label
			setfd =true

		case "scrollbar"

			c.setvalue .model.scrollvalue
			c.setmaximum .model.scrollvaluemax

		case "tree"

		case "fixedtext"

			with .model
				c.text = .label
				setfd =true
				c.setproperty ("TextColor", .textcolor)
				c.setAlignment .align
				c.setproperty ("BackgroundColor", .backgroundcolor)
			end with

		case "groupbox"

			ps = .getpossize

		case "fixedline"

		case "radiobutton"

			c.label = .model.label

		case "progressbar"

			'case "fixedimage"
			'case "fixedbitmap"
			'c.setgraphics .model.graphic.getdib
			'c.setgraphics .model.graphic.getdib

		case else

		end select

		if setfd then
			c.setcontrolfont .model.fontdescriptor
			setfd = false
		end if
	end with

	'to do
	'several others
	if DlgWindowServiceName= "modaldialog" then
		odialog.setvisible true
	end if
end sub

function CreateBaseDialog2(WindowServiceName as string, optional windowattributes) As Variant
	Dim oToolkit as Variant, WA as Variant, oDesc ,oDialog as Variant

	oParent = ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getFrame().getContainerWindow()
	oToolkit = oParent.getToolkit()
	'oToolkit = createUnoService("")
	WA =
	aRect = CreateUnoStruct("")
	oDesc = CreateUnoStruct("")

	With oDesc
		.Type =
		.WindowServiceName =WindowServiceName
		.Parent =  oParent
		.ParentIndex = -1
		.Bounds = aRect
		if ismissing(windowattributes) then
			.WindowAttributes =WindowAttributes
		end if
	End With
	oDialog = oToolkit.createWindow(oDesc)
	oDialog.addTopWindowListener(CreateUnoListener("AWTTopWindowListener_", ""))
	CreateBaseDialog2 = oDialog
End function

function createControlJe(oToolkit,odialog,WindowServiceName,arect,windowAttributes )
	Dim  WA , oDesc
	WA =
	oDesc = CreateUnoStruct("")
	With oDesc
		.Type =
		.WindowServiceName =WindowServiceName
		.Parent =  oDialog
		.ParentIndex = -1
		.Bounds = aRect
		.windowAttributes = windowAttributes
	End With
	button = oToolkit.createWindow(oDesc)
	on error goto hr
	button.setvisible true
	createControlJe = button
end function

	'Invoked when a window is in the process of being closed
Sub AWTTopWindowListener_windowClosing(ev)
	'ev.source.dispose '.accessiblecontext.accessibleparent.dispose
	' Close window using the window bar close button
	dim oModalBaseDialog
	if right( oModalBaseDialog.title,1)= chr(&HA0) then
		'		oModalBaseDialog.dispose
	end if
End Sub
Sub AWTTopWindowListener_windowOpened(ev)
End Sub
Sub AWTTopWindowListener_windowClosed(ev)
End Sub
Sub AWTTopWindowListener_windowMinimized(ev)
End Sub
Sub AWTTopWindowListener_windowNormalized(ev)
End Sub
Sub AWTTopWindowListener_windowActivated(ev)
End Sub
Sub AWTTopWindowListener_windowDeactivated(ev)
End Sub
Sub AWTTopWindowListener_disposing(ev)
End Sub

Function LoadDialog(oLibraryName as String, oDialogName as String)
	Dim oLib as Object
	oLib = DialogLibraries.GetByName(oLibraryname)
	LoadDialog() =  CreateUnoDialog(oLib.GetByName(oDialogName))
End Function

	''''''''''''''''''''''top window flags
	'SHOW 	specifies that the window is initially visible.
	'FULLSIZE 	specifies that the window fills the complete desktop area.
	'OPTIMUMSIZE 	specifies that the window is optimum size.
	'MINSIZE 	specifies that the window is minimum size.
	'BORDER 	specifies that the window has visible borders.
	'SIZEABLE 	specifies that the size of the window can be changed by the user.
	'MOVEABLE 	specifies that the window can be moved by the user.
	'CLOSEABLE 	specifies that the window can be closed by the user.
	'specifies that the window should support the XSystemDependentWindowPeer interface.
	'NODECORATION 	specifies that the window should have no decoration.

	'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''vcl window flags
	'const long HSCROLL = 256;
	'const long VSCROLL = 512;
	'const long LEFT = 1024;
	'const long CENTER = 2048;
	'const long RIGHT = 4096;
	'const long SPIN = 8192;
	'const long SORT = 16384;
	'const long DROPDOWN = 32768;
	'const long DEFBUTTON = 65536;
	'const long READONLY = 262144;
	'const long CLIPCHILDREN = 524288;
	'const long NOBORDER = 1048576;
	'const long GROUP = 2097152;
	'const long OK = 4194304;
	'const long OK_CANCEL = 8388608;
	'const long YES_NO = 16777216;
	'const long YES_NO_CANCEL = 33554432;
	'const long RETRY_CANCEL = 67108864;
	'const long DEF_OK = 134217728;
	'const long DEF_CANCEL = 268435456;
	'const long DEF_RETRY = 536870912;
	'const long DEF_YES = 1073741824;
	'const long DEF_NO = -2147483648;
	'const long NOLABEL = 536870912;
	'const long AUTOHSCROLL = 1073741824;
	'const long AUTOVSCROLL = -2147483648;

correction to line if Dlgwindowservicename= "modaldialog" then

corrected several problems with modal dialog.

Edit 3: update 14 03 21
'added borders, font descriptors, and combobox dropdown (these are set when window is created)
'separate out creation of dialog from setting controls
'and allow choice of attributes for new dialog window
'Sorting is an option for listboxes = add the word SORT to the IDE listbox tag
Windows 10, Openoffice 4.1.11, LibreOffice (x64)
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