Hello All,
Looking @ tables, there are 3 headers: "Field Name", "Field Type", and "Description" visible in my case.
I am wondering how to Add/Update information under the header "Description".
Kind Regards,
[Solved] Update discriptions of records in tables
- Posts: 893
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[Solved] Update discriptions of records in tables
Last edited by dreamquartz on Thu Dec 26, 2024 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
LO 7.x, HSQLDB 2.7.x & Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.
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Re: Add/Update Discriptions of records in tables
All the Base Guide ( https://documentation.libreoffice.org/a ... eGuide.pdf ) has to say is
When using an Embedded Base database simply open the table in the Edit mode and you can add/edit the contents of the Description column of the Table using the design GUI.
When using a JDBC connection (aka Split database) the table design GUI can only be used to add new fields, so anything in the Description column must be added at the time the field is added. Once saved it can no longer be edited using the GUI.
I suppose if you are brave/foolhardy, you could edit Content.xml but any mistakes could render the database inoperative.
After further investigation I found that Description is stored in the Base front End, specifically Content.xml inside the .odb file.Description could be anything. This column can also be left empty. The description serves
only to explain the field content for people who want to view the table definition later.
When using an Embedded Base database simply open the table in the Edit mode and you can add/edit the contents of the Description column of the Table using the design GUI.
When using a JDBC connection (aka Split database) the table design GUI can only be used to add new fields, so anything in the Description column must be added at the time the field is added. Once saved it can no longer be edited using the GUI.
I suppose if you are brave/foolhardy, you could edit Content.xml but any mistakes could render the database inoperative.
If your problem has been solved, please edit this topic's initial post and add "[Solved]" to the beginning of the subject line
Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14 & LibreOffice (x86_64) - Windows 10 Professional- Windows 11
Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14 & LibreOffice (x86_64) - Windows 10 Professional- Windows 11
Re: Add/Update Discriptions of records in tables
for Split DB it can be done by code.
An Example:
Tablename = Persons
Column #1 = SN
Column #2 = FN
To add a description to the columns execute once this code:
Then save and close the .odb file.
On reopen you should find the desciptions in the tables definition. EDIT 2024-12-22: Modified the code
for Split DB it can be done by code.
An Example:
Tablename = Persons
Column #1 = SN
Column #2 = FN
To add a description to the columns execute once this code:
Code: Select all
sub SET_HelpText
oController = thisDatabasedocument.currentcontroller
if not oController.isconnected then oController.connect
oConnection = oController.activeConnection
oTables = oConnection.Tables
oTables.getbyname("Persons").Columns.getbyname("SN").HelpText = "This Column holds surnames"
oTables.getbyname("Persons").Columns.getbyname("FN").HelpText = "This Column holds firstnames"
end sub
On reopen you should find the desciptions in the tables definition. EDIT 2024-12-22: Modified the code
- MMove 1.0.6
- Extension for easy, exact positioning of shapes, pictures, controls, frames ...
- my current system
- Windows 10 AOO, LOLinux Mint AOO, LO
Re: Add/Update Discriptions of records in tables
find here macros which open two dialogs in sequence to enter columns descriptions into split HSQL-DB's, others not testet.
For that start the macro "S_Create_Dialog_Table_Selection".
Merry Chrismas
find here macros which open two dialogs in sequence to enter columns descriptions into split HSQL-DB's, others not testet.
For that start the macro "S_Create_Dialog_Table_Selection".
- Select the table to enter columns descriptions
- Enter columns descriptions
Code: Select all
global odlgTables
global oTables
Sub S_Create_Dialog_Table_Selection
Dim oWindow As Object
Dim oMod As Object
Dim i As Integer
oController = thisDatabasedocument.currentcontroller
if not oController.isconnected then oController.connect
oConnection = oController.activeConnection
oTables = oConnection.Tables
nTables = Ubound(oTables.ElementNames) + 1
ndlgHeight = 12*(nTables) + 20
REM ***** Initialisierung der Eigenschaften des Dialogs
odlgTablesModel = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel")
With odlgTablesModel
.setPropertyValue("PositionX", 320)
.setPropertyValue("PositionY", 111 )
'.setPropertyValue("FontName", Font)
.setPropertyValue("Width", 120)
.setPropertyValue("Height", ndlgHeight+3)
.setPropertyValue("Title", "SelectTable")
.setPropertyValue("Name", "DLGSelectTable")
'.setPropertyValue("DesktopAsParent", True )
End With
odlgTables = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog")
REM ********** Schaltflaechen erzeugen
for i = 0 to Ubound(oTables.ElementNames)
oMod = odlgTablesModel.createInstance("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel")
With oMod
.setPropertyValue("Label", oTables.ElementNames(i))
.setPropertyValue("Name", "CmdTable"+i)
.setPropertyValue("PositionX", 10)
.setPropertyValue("PositionY", 12*(i+1))
.setPropertyValue("Height", 12)
.setPropertyValue("Width", 100)
'.setPropertyValue("Tag", s_buttons(3,i))
End With
odlgTablesModel.insertByName("CmdTable"+i, oMod)
next i
REM ********** ActionListener erzeugen und Schaltflaechen zuordnen
ocmd_ActionListener = createUnoListener("cmd_ActionListener_", "com.sun.star.awt.XActionListener")
for i = 0 to Ubound(oTables.ElementNames)
oControl = odlgTables.getControl("CmdTable"+i)
oControl.model.Align = 0
next i
REM ********** Mittels des Modells den Dialog anzeigen
oWindow = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit")
odlgTables.createPeer(oWindow, null)
Dim oWindowsListener as Object
oTopWindowsListener = CreateUnoListener( "Top_Win_", "com.sun.star.awt.XTopWindowListener" )
End Sub
sub Set_columns_Description(sTableName)
Dim oWindow As Object
Dim oMod As Object
Dim i As Integer
oTable = oTables.getbyName(sTableName)
nColumns = Ubound(oTable.Columns.ElementNames) + 1
nTextFieldHeight = 104
ndlgHeight = 14*(nColumns+4)
REM ***** Initialisierung der Eigenschaften des Dialogs
odlgColumnsModel = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel")
With odlgColumnsModel
.setPropertyValue("PositionX", 320)
.setPropertyValue("PositionY", 111 )
'.setPropertyValue("FontName", Font)
.setPropertyValue("Width", 400)
.setPropertyValue("Height", ndlgHeight)
.setPropertyValue("Title", "enter Columns Descriptions")
.setPropertyValue("Name", "DLGDescriptions")
'.setPropertyValue("DesktopAsParent", True )
End With
odlgColumns = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog")
REM ********** Schaltflaechen erzeugen
for i = 0 to Ubound(oTable.Columns.ElementNames)
REM ********** Textlabel erzeugen
oMod = odlgColumnsModel.createInstance("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedTextModel")
With oMod
.setPropertyValue("Label", oTable.Columns.ElementNames(i))
.setPropertyValue("Name", "lblColumn"+i)
.setPropertyValue("PositionX", 10)
.setPropertyValue("PositionY", 14*(i+1))
.setPropertyValue("Width", 60)
End With
odlgColumnsModel.insertByName("lblColumn"+i, oMod)
REM ********** Textfeld erzeugen
oMod = odlgColumnsModel.createInstance("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlEditModel")
With oMod
.setPropertyValue("Name", "txtColumnDescription"+i)
.setPropertyValue("PositionX", 80)
.setPropertyValue("PositionY", 14*(i+1))
.setPropertyValue("Width", 310)
.setPropertyValue("VerticalAlign",0)' com.sun.star.style.VerticalAlignment
.setPropertyValue("FontName","Courier New")
End With
odlgColumnsModel.insertByName("txtColumnDescription"+i, oMod)
next i
oMod = odlgColumnsModel.createInstance("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel")
With oMod
.setPropertyValue("Label", "OK")
.setPropertyValue("Name", "CmdOK")
.setPropertyValue("PositionX", 10)
.setPropertyValue("PositionY", 14*(i+2))
.setPropertyValue("Height", 12)
.setPropertyValue("Width", 380)
'.setPropertyValue("Tag", s_buttons(3,i))
End With
odlgColumnsModel.insertByName("CmdColumn"+i, oMod)
REM ********** Mittels des Modells den Dialog anzeigen
oWindow = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit")
odlgColumns.createPeer(oWindow, null)
Dim oWindowsListener as Object
oTopWindowsListener = CreateUnoListener( "Top_Win_", "com.sun.star.awt.XTopWindowListener" )
if odlgColumns.execute = 1 then
for i = 0 to Ubound(oTable.Columns.ElementNames)
oTable.Columns(i).HelpText = odlgColumns.GetControl("txtColumnDescription"+i).Text
next i
msgbox ("Done, Columns descriptions where registered in Table """ & oTable.name &""" ✔ " & chr(13) & "The .odb file was saved!",64,"Descriptions were registered")
end sub
Sub cmd_ActionListener_actionPerformed(oEv)
end sub
Sub cmd_ActionListener_disposing(oEv)
End Sub
'Diese Routinen werden von dem XTopWindowListener benötigt
Sub Top_Win_windowClosing( oEvent ) 'Dialog schließen
End Sub
Sub Top_Win_disposing( )
End Sub
Sub Top_Win_windowOpened ( oEvent )
End sub
Sub Top_Win_windowClosed ( oEvent )
End sub
Sub Top_Win_windowMinimized ( oEvent )
End sub
Sub Top_Win_windowNormalized ( oEvent )
End sub
Sub Top_Win_windowActivated ( oEvent )
Top_Win_windowDeactivated = false
End sub
function Top_Win_windowDeactivated ( oEvent ) as boolean
Top_Win_windowDeactivated = true
End function
- MMove 1.0.6
- Extension for easy, exact positioning of shapes, pictures, controls, frames ...
- my current system
- Windows 10 AOO, LOLinux Mint AOO, LO
- Posts: 893
- Joined: Mon May 30, 2011 4:02 am
Re: Add/Update Discriptions of records in tables
That works exactly as I wanted it.
Thank you so much
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Thank you so much
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
LO 7.x, HSQLDB 2.7.x & Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.