Python giving AttributeError: loadComponentFromUrl

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Python giving AttributeError: loadComponentFromUrl

Post by emil_blad »


Have been looking for a solution to this problem for a while now and have not come up with a solution.

Trying to open a calc document with OO-python and getting
AttributeError: loadComponentFromUrl

Running on Windows 10 installation.
First trying with OpenOffice 4.1.11 and included python.
Then tying with LibreOffice (x64) version.

Both gives the same error.

Have tried with the "URE_BOOTSTRAP" and changing the spaces to %20 but no success.

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program>.\python
Python 3.8.10 (default, Dec  3 2021, 01:18:43) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import socket
>>> import os
>>> import uno
>>> import unohelper
>>> localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
>>> resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
... "", localContext )
>>> ctx = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" )
>>> smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
>>> desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "",ctx)
>>> model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
>>> sURL = "e:\Test.ods"
>>> systemURL = uno.systemPathToFileUrl(sURL)
>>> oDocument = desktop.loadComponentFromUrl(systemURL,"_blank",0, tuple())
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: loadComponentFromUrl
>>> print(os.environ["URE_BOOTSTRAP"])
So, made a VM with Ubunto and LibreOffice and get the same AttributeError: loadComponentFromUrl as with Windows.
OpenOffice 4.1.11, LibreOffice
Windows 10
Bernard Mouille
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:42 pm

Re: [Python] giving AttributeError: loadComponentFromUrl

Post by Bernard Mouille »


It is not exacly your answer.
It is an external Pyton script.
Sorry for my write, I am beginner in Python from 2022-01-08.
The comments arent in french ( fr-FR ) lang.


Code: Select all

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#. // CalcOpen.
#. // Exemple de d'ouverture d'un fichier ouvert avec Libre Office calc.
#. // Je suis débutant depuis le 2022-01-08, veuillez excuser mon écriture.

import os
#. // pip install pywin32
import win32com.client
#. // pip install PyMsgBox
import pymsgbox

#. // Programme maître.
def CalcOpen():
   oServiceManager = win32com.client.Dispatch( "" )
   oServiceManager._FlagAsMethod( "Bridge_GetStruct" )

   #. // Sélection d'un fichier Calc.
   cFileOds = ca_GetFile( oServiceManager )
   if len( cFileOds ) == 0:
      pymsgbox.alert( "Pas de fichier sélectionné, abandon", "Erreur" )
      return -1
   # End if

   #. // Crée les paramètres d'ouverture.
   args1 = lo_MakeProperty( oServiceManager, "Hidden"            , False )
   args2 = lo_MakeProperty( oServiceManager, "ReadOnly"          , False )
   args3 = lo_MakeProperty( oServiceManager, "MacroExecutionMode", 0     )

   #. // Ouverture de Libre Office sélectionné avec désactivation des macros.
   oDesktop = oServiceManager.createInstance( ""  )
   oDoc     = oDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( cFileOds, "_blank", 0, [ args1, args2, args3 ] )

   oServiceManager = None
   return 0

#. // Sélectionne un nom de fichier à ouvrir avec Writer au format URL.
def ca_GetFile( oServiceManager ):
   cDir      = ""
   cDirWork  = os.getcwd()
   oFso      = win32com.client.Dispatch( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
   if not oFso.FolderExists( cDirWork + "\Parameters" ):
          oFso.CreateFolder( cDirWork + "\Parameters" )
      EndIf = None
   if oFso.FileExists( cDirWork + "\Parameters\LastDir.txt" ):
      if oFso.Getfile( cDirWork + "\Parameters\LastDir.txt" ).Size > 0:
         oFile = oFso.OpenTextFile( cDirWork + "\Parameters\LastDir.txt" )
         cDir  = oFile.Readline()
         if not oFso.FolderExists( cDir ):
            cDir = ""
            EndIf = None
         EndIf = None
      EndIf = None
   if len( cDir ) == 0 :
      cDir = cDirWork
      EndIf = None
   oFilePicker = oServiceManager.CreateInstance( "" )
   args = [ None ]
   oFilePicker.initialize( args )
   oFilePicker.setDisplayDirectory( cDir )
   oFilePicker.appendFilter( "Tous les fichiers (*.* )", "*.*" )
   oFilePicker.appendFilter( "Calc (*.ods )"      , "*.ods" )
   oFilePicker.appendFilter( "Excel (*.xlsx, *.xls )"   , "*.xlsx;*.xls" )
   cUrl = ""
   if oFilePicker.Execute() == 1:
      cUrl = oFilePicker.Files[ 0 ]
      cDir = by_UrlToFile( cUrl )
      oFile = oFso.CreateTextFile( cDirWork + "\Parameters\LastDir.txt", True )
      oFile.Writeline( cDir[ :cDir.rfind( "\\" ) ] )
      EndIf = None
   oFso = None
   return cUrl

#. // Cree une propriete.
def lo_MakeProperty( oServiceManager, cName, xValue ):
   oProperty       = oServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct( "" )
   oProperty.Name  = cName
   oProperty.Value = xValue
   return oProperty

#. // Détruire un fichier.
def by_ferase( cFile ):
   if os.path.isfile( cFile ):
      os.remove( cFile )
   # End if
   return 0

#. // Convertit un nom de fichier URL en nom Windows.
def by_UrlToFile( cUrl ):
   cFile = cUrl
   cFile = cFile.replace( "file:///", "" )
   cFile = cFile.replace( "/", "\\" )
   cFile = cFile.replace( "%20", " " )
   cFile = cFile.replace( "|", ":" )
   return cFile


libre Office Windows 8
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