[Solved] How can I migrate Base Forms/Queries to remote serv

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[Solved] How can I migrate Base Forms/Queries to remote serv

Post by andersondj »

I currently run my database on a remote mysql server. I now wish to migrate the database to a different mysql server which I intend doing by the standard mysql dump and import processes. My question is how do I re-attach the odb file containing my forms and queries to the new server.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
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Re: How can I migrate Base Forms/Queries to remote Mysql se

Post by Villeroy »

menu:Edit>Database>Connection... and change the host part of the connection URL.
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Re: How can I migrate Base Forms/Queries to remote Mysql se

Post by andersondj »

Thank you for your response Villeroy.
I updated the registered name to point to the new mysql's URL. Presumably the ODB file does not store the mysql signon credentials. How do I therefore launch the odb to point to the new mysql server without it wanting to create a new odb file and thus losing my formats and queries?
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Re: How can I migrate Base Forms/Queries to remote Mysql se

Post by Villeroy »

I have no idea what you are doing.
Open your database document (*.odb) having the forms, queries, reports.
Look at the status bar.
There are at least 3 different ways to connect to a MySQL database: SDBC, JDBC and ODBC.
In case of ODBC you have to change the ODBC setup for the given ODBC name.

For JDBC or SDBC your call menu:Edit>Database...
In case of SDBC, you click [Next] and change the host and port number.
In case of JDBC you click [Next] and change host and port number.

The registered name under Tools>Options>Base>Databases refers to the database document. It remains the same. You don't modify the path to the database document. You modify the path from the database document to the actual database
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Re: How can I migrate Base Forms/Queries to remote Mysql se

Post by andersondj »

All working now thanks to your helpful description of the processs.
OpenOffice 4.1 on Windows 10
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